Friday, July 29, 2011

Our own Chocolate Lab in Southeast Portland

Hooray! We have signed a lease and had a meeting with our health inspector today, and we're well on our way to fitting out our own little Chocolate Lab.

Turns out, the city permitting and plumbing costs we've just found out about are much more than we had planned...  some of the perils of starting a new business are exactly these kinds of unforseen costs, apparently.  However, we have decided to take the plunge, believe in our chocolate, our fans, our business and ourselves, and go further into debt for Rox Chox.  A leap of faith for the love of chocolate!


It's always so exciting to hear of people who love our chocolate.  Today my co-worker's animated impression of a Rox enthusiast exclaiming "OH, I just LOVE this stuff!" put a huge smile on my face.  Rox Chox are now a regular feature at the three Portland Co-ops, and with our second delivery to Skagit Valley Coop already on its way, are looking to be settling into Washington pretty nicely as well.  Our new ROX squared 3/4 OZ size made its debut at the Skagit Coop, and then found a place on the cafe counter.  Rox Chox naturally go quite well with coffee or tea and you may now conveniently make that pairing at both Open Space Cafe and Spoke Cafe, a lovely little bike-up or walk-in cafe in the ActivSpace on SE Main and 8th in Portland.

We will also soon be expanding our reach to the totally amazing Sundance Natural Foods in Eugene, OR and (a tiny independent non-corporate) Whole Foods on Mission St in San Francisco.   The more chocolate we make, the better.  The more places you can find us, the better.  Please request Rox Chox at your local independent or cooperatively-owned cafe or store and send them our way!

Thanks everybody.

Rochelle & River

Rox Chox welcomes wholesale and custom orders.

Contact us at: or (503) 523 7538

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rox Chox changes- but not to the recipe!

Here's a pic of the Rox Chox crew heading to the kitchen to hook you up!

We are personally leaving for San Francisco on Monday so that Rochelle can start grad school, but first we made over 20 pounds of Rox Chox to stock Portland up on its favorite new treat!

Portland fans of our delicious nutritious chocolate can find it at People's Co-op on SE 21st, the Alberta Co-op on NE Alberta,  Food Front Co-op on NW Thurman, and Open Space Cafe on SE Holgate.
In Washington, you can find us at the Skagit Valley Coop!

River will be commuting to our Portland kitchen as needed over the next year to make Rox Chox while Rochelle is in school.  As always, if you want to buy Rox Chox at your local Co-op, send them our way!

Thanks for eating, Ro & Riv