Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Come on down to the Farmer's Market!

Great News! Every other Wednesday starting tomorrow, you can find Rox Chox at the People's Co-op Year-Round Farmer's Market! We will be giving away samples and deals on all three flavors, plus occasionally featuring new recipes for your taste buds to review!

This Wednesday, March 27 (tomorrow!) we will have our second "debut" (the official one, this time!) of our  new flavors Dibs on Nibs and O.M.Ginger. We would love to have your company and for you to review our new flavors.

Where: 3029 SE 21st Ave, Portland  OR 97202
When: Wednesday March 27th and every other Weds. after that, 2-7pm
Who: Rochelle will be at the booth!

Here's a peek at the labels for our new flavors, which will soon be available online and in your favorite store:

A new state of being delicious: Maryland!

Rox Chox is now available in the neighborhood of our country's capital (in Mt. Rainier) at The Glut Food Co-op: http://www.glutfood.org/

This co-op looks positively old-school awesome! We hope to visit it one day, but for now: all you folks in the capital area, enjoy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New flavors in stock at People's Co-op

Hello! We had some graphic design delays, but finally finished the labels for our new flavors! The O.M.Ginger and Dibs on Nibs will be on the shelf at People's Food Co-op tomorrow! Hooray! And in a bit, we will have online ordering options for them as well.